Feature / cult horror / in-development

What if your only hope for absolution was self-destruction?

LOGLINE: When a guilt-ravaged court stenographer is seduced by a cult of self-hating men that practise disturbing rituals of atonement for past sexual transgressions, he must discover the group's ulterior motives before he is brainwashed into a performative sacrifice of his life and manhood.

SYNOPSIS: When a guilt-ravaged court stenographer (Eugene) is recruited by a cult of self-hating men, he is seduced by their promise of absolution and begins to participate in disturbing rituals of confession and atonement. But, when the rituals escalate in severity, Eugene grows suspicious of the group’s leaders and begins to investigate their clandestine origins. After discovering that the cult has been contrived by a men’s rights organization, Eugene races to reveal their ulterior motives before he is compelled to participate in a performative final ritual that will ignite a cultural firestorm.

ACCOLADES: Academy Nicholl Fellowship Semi-Finalist (2023). Reader comments:

  • “Not only does writing a script like this take imagination and talent, it takes guts… #KillAllMen is a very bold and original screenplay”

  • A compelling tension was set up from the beginning and sustained throughout the story. Most importantly, the script really made me think. This will stay with me.”

  • “A unique story with a strong voice. There’s a real sense of passion and energy here and the script tackles a timely topic.”

  • “A wildly inventive work with an original premise.”

STATUS: We currently have a third draft of the screenplay, a detailed director’s treatment, and a tentative budget and financing plan. We are looking for domestic or international producing partners, or early buyers.

CONTACT: Email brendan@sadsackcinema.com for more information.

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